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The XPAND Podcast

Mar 11, 2020

Britney Jane explains her journey of going from the mentality of fighting her illnesses, to working with them. This approach has had a profound influence on her overall physical and mental health. Britney has been diagnosed with diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis and becoming more mindful of her process has substantially...

Mar 3, 2020

Toby Hawley has been building a beautiful online presence through Real Estate and Social Media Marketing in the Boise area for years. We cover what to watch for when purchasing a home and how to handle being vulnerable through the online world. Toby has been a major online supporter of XPAND for years and it is...

Feb 25, 2020

Natalie Lemas is an incredible speaker, entrepreneur, mother, and human being on the path of unraveling emotional blocks for herself and for the people around her. She shares deep traumatic experiences and the process she has been through for better healing and understanding, allowing her to become a beautiful guide...

Feb 13, 2020

Marisa Radha Weppner brings her lifelong experience of spiritual exploration to the XPAND round table. Her embodied wisdom truly comes through the words she chooses, the insight she shares, and the tone in her being. We talk about the Tao, how ultimately we do not KNOW, the flow of life, how when we judge we...

Feb 4, 2020

Krisha is a phenomenal musician known as East Forest with a world of knowledge and perspective to share.  We are all on the journey, and Krishna does a wonderful job at embodying the process and becoming the practice. We talk about working with limitations, his relationship with Ram Das, Keith Jarrett's historical Jass...